Diamond Way Buddhism New Zealand
Diamond Way Buddhism provides easy access to authentic Buddhist teachings and meditations for use in contemporary life.
Over 700 Buddhist centers across the Western world present Buddhism in a modern practical context in more than 30 languages. They were founded by Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl under the spiritual guidance of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. All our centers are directed by Lama Ole Nydahl under the spiritual patronage of Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa.
Who was Buddha?
Buddha was born into a royal family in Northern India over 2500 yrs ago. He gave up his privileged life and devoted himself completely to solving the problem of human suffering. Through years of meditation, he achieved the state we call enlightenment, and taught others to do the same.
What is meditation?
Meditation is the central pillar of Buddha’ teachings. It takes what is learnt and understood intellectually in one’s head and moves it to the heart, making it a part of one’s life.
Being a Buddhist…
Being Buddhist means bringing the insights from meditation into our daily life. We gain more ability to act consciously instead of from habit or disturbing emotions.
Learn to meditate
You can learn Diamond Way meditations in all of our over 700 buddhist centers around the world. Beginners must get the oral explanations in order to be able to practice properly. Meditating with a group is very helpful to learn the rhythm and sequences of the meditation. It’s also a great way to stay motivated to continue the meditation practice!
Feel free to join one of our sessions in New Zealand.